Family Acceptance w/ Kimo Pokini

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Coming Into Your True Self, With the Support of Family

About The Episode

Kimo Pokini was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, where his family kept animals around – but not usually in the house. They were more kept outside and without a strong personal attachment like people have with their dogs nowadays. However, Kimo always considered himself an animal lover and knew he would get a dog of his own someday.

Religion was a big throughline in his family, and Kimo even graduated from Brigham Young University, a Mormon school. However, he had also known since a young age that was gay, and as a result felt ostracized and different – particularly tied to his religion. There was a lot of pressure to just fit in.

However, Kimo decided after college that enough was enough and he moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, to forge a new path. He knew if things were going to change, he needed to take action on his own. By his mid 20s, he was at a more stable independent position in his life, and decided to get a dog. He adopted Jazz, a rescue, from a shelter.

At that point, Kimo was living his life mostly out – except for his parents being aware. Kimo finally decided, with the help and courage and support of Jazz, to tell them. He told his Dad first, who he encouraged to tell his mom, and she said that anyone he was with would always be welcome in the family's home. Kimo found support he had been looking for all along, but he always had the safety net of now being a family with Jazz to fall back on. It gave him the support to finally take a leap that had seemed so scary.

When Kimo had to be a caregiver for his Dad, on top of balancing a full time job and social life and all, Jazz was there to help support. Kimo couldn't have done it without her help in supporting him, helping comfort his Dad, and taking part of the burden away so it wasn't only Kimo's alone to bear.

Kimo also founded Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering to strongly focus on pet retention and keeping dogs and other pets with their people as much as possible. They take in dogs during a crisis and emergency for up to 90 days, and provide security for those in tough situations to not lose their dog – part of their family – as they navigate the issue that has come up. This also helps lessen the amount of dogs who need to go into the shelter system. Because if there's anyone who knows how important family can be, and how important a role a dog can be in that, Kimo certainly has a pretty good sense.

About The Guest - Name

Kimo Pokini is the Co-Founder and Director of Development of Ruff Haven Crises Sheltering. He has a lot of experience volunteering with nonprofits, specifically around animal rescue and humanitarian effort. This included being the Vice President of the Legacy Initiative of Utah, as well as Vice President and co-founder of Street Dawg Crew of Utah. Kimo currently lives with his husband, Stan, and their rescue dog, Kubo.

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