Live For The Moment w/ Lynn Heatherton

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Giving Back To The Dog Community With Knowledge


About The Episode

Lynn Heatherton grew up in California, but has been in New York City for around 20 years to date. It was during this time in NYC that she got her first dog, Kobi, after always wanting one growing up.

Trying to figure out how to decide on a dog, Lynn narrowed it down by looking for a specific breed that fit her lifestyle – able to travel, hypoallergenic – and landed on a Havanese. Kobi was the right fit.

Lynn felt like she didn’t know enough (or much at all) as a dog owner, so she went to puppy Kindergarten. She learned a lot and encourages all new puppy owners to go. In addition to that, she was also researching a lot online about what to do in certain scenarios, what products are best, and anything pertaining to being a dog owner.

While doing all this research and getting all this education about being a better dog owner, Lynn realized she was accumulating all this information and that other people would probably find it valuable, too. So she created Dogsized, a website dedicated to a mixture of tips, product reviews, and more. It started in 2007 and a lot of the articles still stand the test of time for the evergreen topics.

NYC has also been a great place to have a dog, Lynn has found. She lives in Lower Manhattan and everyone in her apartment building seems to either have a dog or a baby, and it has brought her closer to her neighbors and community as a result. Plus, there’s a plethora of dog services and comrades.

In the meantime, Kobi is now almost 11 and is still happily traveling, as well as howling along with any emergency services he hears drive by with their siren on.

About The Guest - Lynn Heatherton

Lynn Heatherton is the creator of a website called Dogsized and the owner of a Havanese named Kobi. She started Dogsized in 2007 as a way to share what she was learning as a new dog owner, and to have it serve as a resource for others in the same boat. And while Lynn has learned a lot about being a dog owner, what she’s learned most from her dog is to make sure you live in the moment since it can be so hard to forget sometimes but dogs always are able to do so.

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