Live For The Day w/ Dr. Renée Alsaraff

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After A Veterinarian Got Sick, It Was Her Own Dog Who Helped Her Get Well

About The Episode

Growing up in Michigan, Dr. Renée Alsaraff's parents wouldn’t allow a dog. However, after her parents divorced, her mother unexpectedly got her a dog. The timing was just right for Renée's life, as she was suddenly required to take on more responsibility alongside her single, working mother. Having a dog around gave her companionship and comfort during a difficult life transition. There was no looking back. By third grade, Renée already had her sights set on becoming a veterinarian.

While some career dreams from a young age change as you get older, Renée was focused on her childhood goal. She became a vet and feels that it is not just a job, but an identity. And even though that profession is time-consuming, emotionally demanding, and sometimes difficult to go through – it's worth it when you can help a person or family and their dog, whether that be allowing them to have more time together or help them navigate any difficult terrain of health problems.

After practicing as a veterinary oncologist for several decades, including treating her canine patients with cancer and comforting their human parents, Renée herself was diagnosed with "the c-word" (as she prefers to call it). All of a sudden, the page was flipped, and Renée had to try to take her own advice and wisdom into account when going through through her own health crisis. However, human as the rest of us, it can be hard to stay hopeful or enjoy the current day when you have a lot of anxiety about the future. Luckily, her dog Newtie, a boxer, was there to help Renée in this tumultuous time and be a constant reminder to enjoy that day, and not worry about the next week, month, or year. Newtie kept her company, made sure she felt seen and supported, and accept where she was at.

Now, with the different experiences she's gone through, Renée decided to write a book – Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well – with each chapter dedicated to a different dog and parent(s) from her veterinary practice, and the accompanying lesson she learned from them. Whether it be how they can meet us where we're at in a special and unspoken way, or as a perspective shifter to bring us from dwelling on the negative to embracing the positive, it's safe to say Renée's personal and professional lives are forever intertwined with her connection to dogs.

About The Guest - Dr. Renée Alsarraf

Dr. Renée Alsarraf is a veterinary oncologist who has always wanted to help people and their animals. Even dating back to college, she founded Michigan State University’s Pet Loss Support Group as a student. Currently, Renée is a consultant for a national radiation therapy company and has written for several books, journals, and oncology texts/studies in conjunction with Cornell University. Her new book, Sit, Stay, Heal, was released in October 2022. Renée is currently based in New Jersey with her boxer, Dusty, and family.

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